Cash Back Rebate Program to Drive Pet Adoption for Pedigree

Pedigree Love at First Sight Adoption Program


Mars – Pedigree wanted to to repeat the successful adoption campaign they ran in November 2023 with the objective of acquiring and rewarding reward new Pedigree consumers and to drive loyalty. They needed a solution that could do complex validation of not only receipts but adoption papers.

Snipp developed a purchase-based cash-back / rebate program where consumers who adopt a dog at any shelter or rescue  can upload their adoption receipt at and get reimbursed their adoption fee up to $200 via a Physical Check. Snipp integrated our receipt technology into the clients site via an iframe/widget for a seamless user experience and  managed all communication, rebate fulfillment, and legal. Snipp has been running this program for Pedigree since 2020!

Snipp Solutions : Receipt Processing, Snipp Rebates