Retailer Specific GWP Program (Receipt API) to Drive Portfolio Sales for Mars Petcare Pedigree

MAX Agency- Mars Petcare - Pedigree DG Free eBook Program


Mars Petcare Pedigree was looking to drive sales of their portfolio of products at Dollar General 

Leveraging Snipp's receipt validation technology (API integrated via widget), Pedigree created a GWP program where consumers who spent $10 on Pedigree products at Dollar General could upload their receipts online at Dogphonics ( and register to receive access to exclusive interactive eBooks! Consumers can unlock three eBooks for each $10 spent. Snipp also created a status tracker where consumers can track their progress to see which eBooks have been unlocked. 

Snipp managed all backend aspects of the program including receipt validation, iframe, communication, registration, and the entire user experience. 

Snipp Solutions:  Contests & Promotions , Receipt Processing