Sweepstakes Program to Drive Sales and Engagement for Conagra Orville

Conagra CA Orville Canadas Got Talent Promotion


Conagra Orville was looking to tie into their Canada's Got Talent partnership to develop an exciting sweepstakes to drive sales and engagement at retail.

Leveraging our SnippWin platform, Snipp developed a purchase-based sweepstakes where consumers who had a valid UPC code could go to the program microsite - English: https://www.orvillecontest.ca/ French: https://www.orvillecontest.ca/Register?language=fr to register and enter their code for a chance to win one of (2) Grand Prizes of a home theatre, as well as one of (40) prizes of FREE popcorn for a year!

Snipp Solutions: Contests & Promotions, Receipt Processing, Sweepstakes Management