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Connecting and Building Customer Loyalty with Millennial Moms - A Q&A with Camille Kennedy, Sr Director Marketing, Snipp on loyalty360 - Snipp

Written by Snipp | Apr 25, 2016

Q&A: Connecting and Building Customer Loyalty with Millennial Moms 

Camille Kennedy, VP Marketing at Snipp, sat down with Loyalty360 to discuss building customer loyalty with Millennial Moms.

Excerpt from the Q&A

With 35% of U.S. Millennial women, including moms, reporting that social media and online interactions are key purchase influencers, this is another area in which mobile can be leveraged to build loyalty. Innovative loyalty platforms incentivize purchase across the wide variety of actions that consumers make online. Online reviews, Facebook likes, re-tweets, any action that millennial moms are already making online can be rewarded in these programs to further build the relationship between brand and consumer.

Click here to read the full article.