
Fraud Detection and Prevention 

Leading Real-Time Fraud Prevention Solution


Safeguard Your Programs with CORRAL, an Advanced Anti-Fraud AI Solution to Combat Rising Fraud in Promotions, Loyalty and Receipt-based Programs

Our leading fraud prevention solution, built on 15+ years of experience, is a comprehensive system designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate various forms of fraudulent activities. Leveraging advanced algorithms, AI, machine learning, and real-time monitoring, our solution offers a proactive shield against the ever-evolving threat of fraud across multiple channels and touchpoints.

Key Features

fraud real time

Real-Time Defence

fraud customize rules

Customizable Rules

fraud multi channel

Multi-Channel Protection

fraud scale

Flexible and Scalable

fraud machine learning

Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

fraud insights learning

Fraud Insights

fraud integration

Integration Capabilities

fraud support

Expert Support

Identifying Fraud-Risk Programs

If any one (1) variable is included there is the potential for SOME risk of fraud

Any two (2) variables are included, there is HIGH risk of fraud
Any three (3+) or more variables are included are DEFINITE risk of fraud
Cash Rewards or Refunds
High Reward Value
High or No Reward limits
Image recognition program (no receipt submission)

Registration not required

Giveaway component without Purchase

Online purchases eligible

Non-purchase/social media activities resulting in free points

Email only method of submission

Low purchase barrier

Fraud Detection and Prevention Measures

Fraud Detection
Registration Add-ons
Image Fraud Check
Fraud Monitoring
Fraud Prevention
Email Validation - During Registration and Receipt Upload

Address Validation - During Registration

Receipt Upload Add-ons

Industry Standard Bot Detection Applications

Reward Rules
2 Factor Authentication With One Time Password

Advanced Registration Checks

Fraudulent Receipt / Image Use Cases

fraud receipt modification

Modification of information

fraud wholescale fabrication

Wholesale fabrication of images

fraud Multiple people submission

Submission of single image by multiple people

fraud Multiple channel submission

Submission of single image via different channels

fraud register duplicates

Submission of register duplicates

fraud out of date

Out of date submissions

fraud similar product submission

Similar product submitted

fraud unqualified product submission

Unqualified product submitted

Receipt Anti-Fraud / Security Measures

fraud date and time stamp


We gather the date, time, transaction number, items, item price along with other fields on the receipt. If combinations of these fields are present on more than one receipt, the receipt is flagged for manual review.

fraud file structure


Our technology captures info from within the EXIF data within the photo file. If EXIF data matches, it is kicked into manual review in which the matching receipt is displayed.

fraud photo marker


Within the photo, there are “fingerprints” we digitize and compare across the image catalog for the program. Again, any matches are kicked into manual review where the matching receipt is displayed.

fraud Statistics


Our system flags users whose participation rates are outliers. If there is a consumer that seems to have a higher than average level of participation and is receiving a larger number of rewards than normal, we send all consumer’s submissions to manual validation to ensure compliance.

Fraud Detection Measures

Image Fraud Check

Image MD5 hash

Receipt image(s) are hashed with MD5 algorithm to generate a string ‘fingerprint’. 2 identical images/files will have the same MD5 hash. If 2 images on separate receipt transactions have the same MD5 hash, the 2nd will be marked duplicate.

TransactionID/Store/Total/Date fingerprint

TransactionID and total are combined into a single hash string. If a receipt has the same store and transaction ID with the same total as another, it will be marked duplicate.

Barcode/Store Fingerprint

If a barcode is present on a receipt, it is typically unique per receipt. Barcode and store are combined into a single hash string. If a receipt has the same barcode for the same store as another, it will be marked duplicate. This check can be turned off at a store level, in case the barcodes are not actually unique for a store.

Other fingerprints

Snipp implements many other receipt fingerprints based on the metadata available on receipts e.g. different combinations of store/date/time/user/total/skus/storeLocation etc.

Image EXIF data

If an image is received with EXIF data, the EXIF data is checked for alterations from photoshop. If photoshop alteration detected, the image will be marked fraudulent.

IP Address

IP address is checked using IPStack for TOR, VPN, or known fraud usage.

Manual Fraud Rules

Fraud rules can be manually created  based on ANY receipt data field. Basic time-based limits can be set for a store and unit of time. For example, 10 retailer specific receipts per hour can be set as a rule.

Fraud Monitoring


Algorithms as well as manual checks to observe specific pattern in any campaign .
e.g. Spike in receipts from specific retailer; Sudden spike in participation when there was no scheduled marketing event etc. Manual checks for patterns in registration/mailing address etc.

Receipt spike

Alerts and manual checks to observe sudden spike in receipt volumes

Reward spike

Alerts and manual checks to observe sudden spike in rewards distributed


Fraud Prevention Measures

Email Validation - During Registration and Receipt Upload



Default enabled

Email Manipulation Check

Receipt image(s) are hashed with MD5 algorithm to generate a string ‘fingerprint’. 2 identical images/files will have the same MD5 hash. If 2 images on separate receipt transactions have the same MD5 hash, the 2nd will be marked duplicate.

Email Domain Validity Check

TransactionID and total are combined into a single hash string. If a receipt has the same store and transaction ID with the same total as another, it will be marked duplicate.

Email Blacklist Check

Snipp uses an algorithm to detect email manipulation and stops user from participating.

Address Validation - During Registration



Default enabled

Global Adddress Validation - Melissa

Global address validation check via Melissa Address Validation Vendor via API (Works for both Canada, USA and rest of the world)


Canada Post - Address Validation

Address Autocomplete feature via Canada Post Address Validation API


USPS  - Address Validation

Validating address check via USPS Address Validation API (Only works for USA)


Registration Add-ons



Default enabled

Rate Limiting Cookie

Implements browser-based cookies to limit request rates, enhancing security.

Honey Pot Trap

Adds hidden fields in forms to trap bots, preventing automated fraud.

Registration - IP Logging

IP Addresses are logged for every user who registers from the website.

Registration - Geo Location Logging

Geo Location is logged for every user who registers on the website.

Registration - Device Finger Printing

Device fingerprinting techniques to uniquely identify devices, enhancing fraud detection

Receipt Upload Add-on




Default enabled

Receipt Upload - IP Logging

Ip Addresses are logged and tracked when receipt is uploaded from the Web upload website.


Online submissions

Only accept Shipping & Delivery confirmation for Online orders


Industry Standard Bot Detection Applications



Default enabled

Google Captcha Ver 2.0 (Free)

This is an older version of free Google Captcha which promotes human interaction.

Google Captcha Ver 3.0 (Free)

This is newer version of free Google Captcha which works automatically without human interaction.  (Invisible Captcha)

Google Captcha Enterprise Edition

Paid version of Google Captcha. Similar to Google Captcha Ver . 3 from a user interaction perspective. However, provides more flexibile configurations from a settings perspective.


Cloudflare Turntiles

An alternative to Google Captcha provided by Clouflare.


Reward Rule



Default enabled

Limit Rewards from same Address

Stop sweepstakes or Rewards from being dispensed if the same address has received more than 10 rewards / sweepstakes

Limit Rewards from same IP Address

Stop sweepstakes or Rewards from being dispensed if the same IP Address has received more than 10 rewards / sweepstakes

Limit Rewards from same Name

Stop sweepstakes or Rewards from being dispensed if the same first name and last name combination has received more than 10 rewards / sweepstakes

Added step for Reward redemption

Snipp enables "Claim your reward" step for high value digital rewards instead of instant distribution about qualification. User is allowed to Claim their reward only after they pass a 2 Factor authentication

Some Exclusions

2 Factor Authentication with One Time Password



Default enabled

Email 2FA

Verifies with one time Password sent to the Email Address before registration is accepted by the system.



Verifies with one time Password sent to the Phone Number before registration is accepted by the system. More effective that email 2FA since its easy to fake an email address v/s phone number


Advanced Registration Checks



Location match

Does city/state/country/postal code line up with other location data (such as IP)?

HTTP headers

If part of known crawlers list (indicates bot)

Time to complete Registration form

Time (in milliseconds) to complete the registration form can indicate bot patterns



Sweepstakes & Contests


Shopper Marketing Executions


Loyalty Programs



image validation

Transaction Validation

Audit Trail

Market Research

On Pack Code Replacement

On-Pack Code Replacement


Retailer-Specific Promotions

SnippCheck Receipt Processing Cases

Sweepstakes & Contests

Loyalty & Data

B2B Rebates

API Integration


Hone Your Receipt Program

Discover how you can drive personalization and engagement at scale with our market-leading receipt and transaction validation platform.
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