There’s nothing like the prospect of winning big to inspire consumers. In today’s competitive marketing landscape, sweepstakes and promotions have emerged as powerful tools for connecting with customers on a deeper level: boosting brand awareness, fostering loyalty, and driving business growth. Research compiled by global marketing solutions company, Snipp Interactive, reveals high rates of engagement, with an average of 34% of customers acquired through contests. Arguably even more valuable, the same percentage of consumers are also open to receiving future brand communications.
“Our clients have overwhelmingly discovered that promotions help them amplify business goals by both adding new customers and retaining existing ones,” says Snipp Chief Revenue Officer Christopher Cubba. “Among the strategies Snipp supports are accelerating purchase frequency, increasing basket size, fostering relationships between brands and retailers, providing data and insights, enhancing overall engagement and taking care of things like sweepstakes management.”
Yet despite this incredible potential, activations can be fraught with challenges that put a brand’s investment at risk – from inadvertently violating compliance regulations to failing to adequately optimize the program or capitalize on data collection possibilities.
This guide is designed to help your brand avoid common pitfalls as you explore the power of compelling campaigns to captivate your target audience and yield meaningful results.