GWP Program to Drive Multi Country Sales and Engagement for Gillette

P&G UK Gillette UK Promo


P&G Gillette partnered with Microsoft XBOX to reward consumers for purchases made. The main objective of the promotion was to engage with Gillette's target demographic of gamers and young people, whilst increasing sales of Gillette products and improving market penetration in the UK/IOI, MX & DE markets.

Gillette's central UK agency New Gen built out a gift with purchase program supported with a 360-marketing strategy with a focus on influencer advertising to engage the target demographic. Snipp built a GWP program leveraging our state-of-the-art Receipt Processing OCR technology to scan online Amazon receipts, check for qualifying Gillette products within the receipt and award a prize (30 day XBOX GamePass voucher) based upon the validation of the receipt. 

Snipp Solutions: Receipt Processing, Snipp Contests & Promotions